To drink or to taste an espresso coffee, this is question

28/06/2015 11:54:00

To drink or to taste an espresso coffee, this is question


Italian espresso coffee contains several hundred years of culture in some 20-25 ml of liquid in a cup.

Espresso coffee should not be drunk, instead it must be tasted with patience, sipping it slowly as we naturally do with high quality wine or distilled liqueurs (grappa, brandy, etc.)

Tasting in small sips is very similar to that of wine (keeping the coffee in the mouth and breathing in). In this way you will be able to sense all its aromas and the taste of that particular coffee will linger in your mouth for longer.

Drinking a good coffee is a shame, as it is for refined wine and distilled liqueurs.

Sip it slowly and let yourself be overwhelmed by all its aromas.